Holiday Morning Service

Holiday Morning Service

When a holiday/festival falls on a weekday or Sunday, Shohet Daily Minyan is replaced with a holiday morning service, 10am-12noon, using the siddur as the Shabbat morning services. These holiday services are both in-person and streaming. For Zoom, use the Shabbat morning service Zoom ID.

When a holiday/festival falls on a Saturday, the holiday observance is included in the Shabbat morning service.


Oct 25 2024


10:00 AM - 12:15 PM


Temple Har Zion and Streaming
Streaming on Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube and in person at 1040 N. Harlem Ave., River Forest IL 60305

Hourly Schedule

Thursday, October 24

10am - 12:30pm
Shemini Atzeret Service
with Yizkor (replaces Minyan)
6:30pm - 8pm
Simchat Torah of Resilience
A special Simchat Torah, remembering the Korbanot Hatevach—sacrifices of the [October 7th] massacre. Music by the Maxwell Street Klezmer Quartet; includes dessert.

Friday, October 25

10am - 12:30pm
Simchat Torah Morning Service
(replaces Minyan)


Temple Har Zion