Adult Education Programs
Temple Har Zion offers a variety of adult education opportunities.
An informed congregation is vital to a synagogue’s vitality and growth. By continuing education in adulthood, members can gain a deeper understanding of their faith and impart that knowledge to future generations.
There are several staples of the Temple Har Zion calendar:
- Rabbi Adir Glick teaches a weekly class exploring Biblical Topics. Each topic is introduced and discussed in-depth over several weeks, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of stories, themes, and teachings. Classes meet Thursdays from 10 to 11 a.m. in person (with Zoom available for those unable to come in person). Contact Rabbi Glick at for more information.
- Director of Education David Schwartz teaches a weekly class covering a range of topics relating to Judaism, including holidays, prayers, Rabbinic wisdom and little-known biblical and Talmudic stories. Classes meet on Zoom Mondays from 8 to 9 p.m. and are available on Zoom. Contact David at for more information or a schedule.
- Rabbi Glick and David Schwartz together teach a monthly “Building Your Jewish Toolkit” on select Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., giving community members a chance to learn, ask questions, and share traditions about a holiday each month. This is in person only. Contact David at for more information.
- Temple member Suzanne Fournier teaches “Learn to Read Hebrew” twice a month. Classes meet in person on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Contact David at for more information or a schedule.
- Cantor Figa and Rabbi Glick are organizing Adult B’nai Mitzvah Classes for temple members of all ages. Learn to chant Torah and Haftarah using trope, learn the central prayers of the weekly service, learn to recognize basic words in Hebrew, and learn how to study a parashah and prepare a d’var Torah on it—all of the things you need to get ready for your bar or bat mitzvah! We are having a short informational meeting for these classes on Sunday, March 17, 11:45am-Noon, at the end of the first Jewish Toolkit class. Contact Rabbi Glick at if you are interested or have questions.
Temple Har Zion hosts adult education programs and lectures throughout the year. Recent offerings have included a series, “Homelessness and Judaism”, a series of local university Jewish Studies professors lecturing on topics in their fields of expertise, a history of Israeli art and presentations about Jewish communities around the world. See our calendar of events for upcoming programs.