Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed

Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death following trauma.  American College of Surgeons’ STOP THE BLEED® (STB) program will prepare you to stop bleeding in severely injured individuals, and perhaps allow you to save a life.

Join Jon Henry and Mike Weinstein to learn how to Stop the Bleed, a national campaign to train, equip, and empower community members to help stop ​​​life-threatening blood loss until trained professionals arrive at the scene of a trauma.

Participants will complete a brief interactive online course, then engage in hands-on training learning to: hold pressure, pack a wound, and apply a tourniquet. Participants successfully demonstrating these skills will receive a Stop the Bleed certificate of completion.

Bleeding Save a Life Flowchart

Click here to register.

More Info

Stop the Bleed


Feb 11 2024


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Temple Har Zion
1040 N. Harlem Ave., River Forest, IL 60305