August 1, 2023 | Har Zion Herald

Summer Events and More – Har Zion Herald, August 2023

Temple Har Zion Herald

Enjoy this month’s newsletter with information about Elul Programming, Shabbat services, and special events, including our annual Back-to-Shul BBQ and Temple Har Zion Golf Outing! Rabbi Glick discusses the return of The Parliament of the World’s Religions to Chicago after 130 years. Cantor Figa reflects on the Borsch Belt and its renewed interest. David Schwartz encourages symbolic foods to add to your Rosh Hashanah meals. And so much more!

Enjoy this month’s Har Zion Herald.



The Har Zion Herald newsletter is published 10 times a year for the congregation and friends of Temple Har Zion. Members are welcome to submit content for publication consideration by contacting